Containment and Temporary Wall Solutions in Lantana

Temporary Wall Systems in Lantana

No need to go any further; temporary fencing and walls are readily available in Lantana, Florida. STARC Systems is the ideal option if you need a portable, modular confinement wall. Airports, train stations, schools, institutions, and even some shopping complexes have installed STARC Systems for the benefit of the public. This technology’s adaptability and durability make it suitable for usage in every stage of team growth. Safeguarding construction workers necessitates the use of temporary walls and barriers that may be set up and taken down with minimal effort and expense. MCS’s modular wall systems allow for a wide range of configurations. This technique shines when applied to a subcomponent that can make use of it. Modular and adaptable, STARC Systems’ wall systems include the RealWall® and the LiteBarrier®. It takes very few tools to assemble or disassemble. The usage of modern containment techniques isn’t limited to erecting temporary walls. We also offer assistance with packing, loading, and unloading. Temporary Walls & Other Temporary Wall Solutions in Lantana, Florida is where our expertise lies.

Modern Temporary Wall Systems For Offices

RealWall®, LiteBarrier®, and FireblockWall® from STARC Systems have changed the way modular barriers are used in a wide variety of settings, including hospitals, airports, data centers, bio/life sciences labs, corporations, and schools. When immediate separation of employees is required or when properties must be protected from weather damage during development, temporary containment barriers have found substantial application in commercial and industrial situations. Moving and rearranging systems built to ASTM E84 and the International Classification of Risk Assessment (ICRA) standards will not compromise their efficacy. When compared to drywall, which is costly to replace and leaves a huge mess after each use, they are the most cost effective and environmentally friendly option. In the meanwhile, you require a place to work. If that’s the case, we could perhaps help.

Each RealWall® panel is built by hand by skilled artisans, and their work is backed by a three-year warranty. The lack of flexibility and squeakiness is a result of the rigid panels. Every panel we sell is created in the USA and must meet our strict quality standards.

Using a fireproof modular containment system can cut drywall production times in half. FireblockWall is compatible with a wide variety of temporary wall solutions, including the widely used RealWall® and LiteBarrier®. The number of rails and their length needs to be adjusted depending on the layout.

The LiteBarrier® dust partition containment system from STARC Systems, built on the RealWall® platform, is a prime example of state-of-the-art efficacy in the domain of dust control. The LiteBarrier® system has quickly replaced all other barrier systems as the gold standard because of its reliable and easy-to-use design. Airports, data centers, businesses, hospitals, and hotels are not among the fields that require soundproofing.

The wall’s durability against dents and scratches makes it superior to polycarbonate plastic, another lightweight containment alternative. A fiberglass-reinforced polymer panel allows the height of its lightweight anodized aluminum structure to be varied between 3 and 6 meters (10 and 20 ft).

Picking up and setting down our panel interface is the only effort required to use it. If you have high-quality materials and a skilled builder, you can construct a 100-foot wall in about an hour. Top and bottom gaskets keep the system in line with ASTM E-84 and ICRA Class IV standards.

Rent & Install The Best Temporary Walls For Your Office

From the preliminary site evaluation all the way through the final destruction, our personnel will be ready for advice. Within a day, our experienced team can build a temporary wall on site.

The walls can be molded to fit any construction site without the use of frames or other permanent fixtures. Because of how long they last, you can keep using them for as long as you like. You can buy retractable barriers from us in any size and strength you need.

You can count on us to come through in a pinch. Trust that life will go back to normal once the immediate problem has been fixed.

Call us or schedule a FREE CONSULTATION NOW!